Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Our Week

This past week our friends who are missionaries came back to the states. It was good to finally see them again.
Since the weather was beautiful we did a little bit of work around the yard.
Tim's truck broke down on Saturday, so he is going to try his hand at fixing it. Hopefully he will be able to get it to work.
God bless.

The Bisbee family is back!

Ashley and some of the girls


Life among the dead of winter


O no what happened?

It just stopped working

Now where is the problem?

Examining the truck

Yard work

"Perseverance must finish its work
so that you may be mature and complete,
not lacking anything."
~James 1:4~

A cute little dog we watched

In a bag

The howling puppy

"The grass withers, the flower fades
but the word of our God stand forever."
~Isaiah 40:8~

"As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are My ways higher than your ways
and My thoughts than your thoughts."
~Isaiah 55:9~

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Resurrection Day

Making breakfast

Sausage bread

Cleaning up the mess

"Do you think we have enough plates?"

Looks good

Yummy, warm, and gooey cinnamon rolls


Micah and his new little friend

Finally a picture of Tina and Micah

"Help I'm stuck"


Preparing the mashed potatoes

The parents table

The kids table

Dad giving Josiah an airplane ride

"Can I have another one?"



The Kapacko Family

The group of men

Playing the piano

Accompanying the singing

On to supper

After supper the boys had to do the dishes
or they couldn't have dessert. Micah tried but
his little vacuum wouldn't pick anything up.

James helping Tim with the dishes



A flurry of activity

Dish duty


Sarah's Art

More dessert



Tim and the little guy

Josiah on his bike

The crowd gathers to take a walk

Brr, it was so cold that you would have never
thought it was Easter

Part of the group

A little guy with a dog

Tyler demonstrating how to do the
Rubik's cube

Caleb and Tim picking teams

Josiah helping bring the chairs in the other
room to set up for, four on a couch

Passing out the names

The other side of the room

Who's going to win?

I know that name! Who was it?

The winners

Afterward we ended the night with a song a
and prayer then we said our good byes

Getting ready to go

Thank you Ittermans for your