In the morning we woke up to a few inches
of snow. It was really pretty.

Lunch time

How precious

Luke and his rather large whistle

Tim and Katelyn making snowballs

What a cutie

Watching the older ones play outside

Heading back from the sledding hill


Enjoying a cup of hot chocolate after being
outside in the cold

One cute little chocolate face

Trying on Grandpa's hat

Ashley and Levi

It was time for them to go home and
Luke gave Tim a hug and said "I'm going to stay
here forever"
It was really cute!

Later that night we went out and looked at Christmas
lights and saw how other people decorated.
One neighborhood was really decorated nicely.
It kind of looked like they had some kind
of competition going on.

On our way home

One of the houses we saw.
Very elegant.