This past week we celebrated mom and dad's birthday. Since
mom was going to be turning 50, dad wanted to
have a surprise party for her. Everything was kind
of coming together, but some things were still up in the air.
Dad invited a couple families. He wanted to keep it small so
someone could host it at their home. So the week arrived
and we didn't know where it was going to be, but the Lord was
gracious to us and our good friends the Tavares' held the
entire party at their home and everyone brought a dish to
share. It turned out that the party was on mom's actual
birthday so she kind of suspected something, but dad
planned the whole thing and us kids called everyone up
and told them to make it for him too; since his birthday is only
two day after. The plans were made and I think everyone
enjoyed their time.
Here are some pictures from the day!!

Anticipating the arrival of Mom and Dad
~Zoe looks like she's getting a little worried~

Where could they be?

Camera's flashing and the party hasn't even
started yet!

Looks like someone is sleepy

They finally arrived and are welcomed by an
unexpected group of wonderful friends.

Guess who?
Ben's Art

Mom and Mrs. Mello

Gathering around to observe the amazing cake
that Mrs. Mello and Stephanie made.

Hannah and Lilya playing with their dolls

Opening gifts

Someone's a little excited

Zoe giving her doll kisses

Felicity, Jillian, and Chariti



A close up on the cake

Instead of putting 105 candles on the cake,
they put one big candle.

Blowing out the candle

Taking apart the beautiful cake:(

Enjoying their cake!!
I think the camera took them by surprise.

Mother and Daughter

Gathering around to watch a slide show that
us kids put together for mom and dad.

Song time

What a cutie!!

I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever;
with my mouth will I make known
Your faithfulness to all generations.
Psalm 89:1
Everyone had a great time singing songs
~I'll Fly Away~

Our dear Mother's Mother
Mom and our hostess
Getting ready to leave
Thank you all so much for making the day
so special for mom and dad. They were so
blessed. We are so thankful the Lord has allowed
us to get to know you all better
through the years.
Happy Birthday mom and dad!!