Monday, June 29, 2009

Quonset Air Show

Dad, Tim, Tina, and Tyler

The Canadian Snow Birds

The pilots waving to the crowd

Meeting up with some friends who were
helping their church give away water and
tracts at the air show.

An amazing air plane

A crazy pilot

Tyler and Hannah

Miss Christa

The Blue Angels
Flying upside down

The diamond formation

A pretty cool shot
The clouds add a nice effect

After the air show we walked around and looked
at the different cars and air planes that were there.

A interesting license plate


Some of us before we leave


Lydia said...

Pretty cool! Looks like you guys had fun!

Christa Bisbee said...

Those are really cool pictures you have on your blog! Have a great time in Boston!

~Brittania~ said...

Their air shows are awesome! It looks like you all enjoyed your time there.
hugs to the Kaiser family.

Christa said...

Wasn't the air show great? Those pictures that you took were great Tyler!